"The Wife" was surfing News Channels on their LCD.
"Kid" just went off for school, its his birthday.
A surprise party is planned for the evening.
Suddenly a News Flash that says "16 kids died eating mid-day meal"
"Husband" is irritated, he doesn't want all this shit, so early in the morning.
"The Wife" changes the channel. Now its MTV on the screen.
"Make a cool playlist for today's party... there must be all his favorite songs only", "Husband" orders "Wife", while Listening to the songs on MTV.
"Wife" reassures "Don't Worry Honey".
"Husband" kissed her goodbye.
And they lived happily ever after, except for that one time, when there was a blast in their locality.
Never ever did they care to have some stress on other's problems.
Well, Do you care...?
Laws of Karma apply to all ... no escape there