He was 24 years old, A School dropout, alcoholic, Eve-teaser and a name people hated in the neighbourhood.

He wanted those hampers too. Although he could snatch one of those hampers from some not-so-strong person, but he thought let’s get it the right way this time and let’s be a part of this website, which will give him unlimited golden eggs every now and then.
But there was one big issue, He had no idea, what is a blog and what one is supposed to do after being a blogger. But free gift hampers kept him alive and he started learning about blogs. He understood that blogging is about writing your point of views any personal or public issues and sometimes about yourself as well.
As he hardly cared about the society, he made a useless blog and wrote about random useless stuffs of his life. He wrote about his favourite cigarette and about the hottest girls in his School. I tell you, he was one evil mind who everyone hated. But that doesn’t changed him. He posted photos of his latest Tees, which had some cheesy slogan written about girls. People hated him for his existence.
So after a good 30-40 blog posts, he signed up for Indiblogger and they approved his blog. He attended bloggers meet in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and everywhere else only for free goodies, flash drives, cell phones and free food. He didn’t socialize. He was stalking other female bloggers.
But, he could never win big prizes. Only because he was not a true blogger, who blogs from his heart. His greed paid him nothing big. He participated in contests as well. But hardly won gifts apart from consolation prizes.

His bad habits like smoking and chewing tobacco caused him serious injury in his gums, and at times, blood came out of his gums, but he continued to smoke and chew tobacco and attended Indiblogger meets for free flash drives instead of visiting a good doctor.

When he returned home, he opened the Indiblogger website to check if there is any new contest or any opportunity to get anything “FREE”.
And he found that he lost a big opportunity to win the cell phone he always desired for. The Sony Experia Z. That was an ultimate payback for ignoring gum problems. For all your bad deeds, one day you have to pay for it all.
This post is a part of the contest by Colgate and IndiBlogger. Read the My Healthy Speak Blog to understand more about it.
-Amrit Rukhaiyaar
[Images were found through Google search]
[Images were found through Google search]