After Innumerable Plans and failures, my gang and I reached
GOA, We were planning this trip since 2008 ever since I became a college guy,
but as you know, there is always a black sheep in your family [friends here],
unfortunately in my circle there are too many, who turns down all the plans
like anything. But that was it; we reached GOA in mid June. The scorching heat
was more alarming than the excitement of being in a GOA beach. 2 days passed
and we had our share of fun in the hotel and other indoor Pubs, No one among us
was even talking of going out in the sun, even if it comes with the exotic Sea
beach. Finally I broke the silence and convinced some of them to come with me
to the beach. After all, GOA is all about beaches and what else.
Once I reached there, I found that it was the hottest
summer in the last 20 years; perhaps we have reached a time when the talks of
Doomsday and Apocalypse seem logical.
“I couldn’t stop myself to come to you”
“Are you actually enjoying this heat” I asked her.
“Anyways... I am Amritt, nice to meet you” I was piling
on really.
“Do you want to know the secret” asked the mysterious girl.
“Yes... if there is any” I replied.
“Well, I am KYRA”
“People around here calls me the Sunshine Girl”
I totally agreed to the logic behind her nickname, she
was truly a Sunshine Girl. I wanted her company as desperately as I wanted a
chilly weather. Nothing attracted me more than her in the recent past. I asked if
it’s okay for her to spend some time with me, the strange guy, who looks as
ordinary as anything else on the planet. She agreed instantly and I loved her
gesture towards me. She took me for a water sport and then to another, I hated the
summer, but loving her company more than the heat. I never resisted. With time
passed, even I believed there is definitely some secret, so I stuck with her
and enjoyed hanging out with this beautiful girl, we went out for lunch that
day and then the next day, and then the day after that. And when I finally
asked her to stay Indoor one day, she asked me if I believe in Magic. I started
laughing at her question...
She pulled something out of her little bag which she
carried all the time; it was something that looked like a yellow lipstick, when
I hold it in my hand, I read it out which said, LAKME SUN EXPERT.
“Is this your secret” I asked mischievously.
“Yes, it is”
I was amazed at the potentials of this little stick by
LAKME, I thought of an idea in a flash.

It was all happening and we just watched the world grow
beautiful and untouched by Nature’s devilish Heat.
KYRA and I...
This post is written for a contest on INDIBLOGGER sponsored by LAKME.
-Amritt Rukhaiyaar